On My Way Home
It was snowing lightly as I made my way slowly along the lane that, according to my sat nav, should be where Louise Medhurst lived. There seemed to be no sign of a house though. I drove along carefully, aware that on either side of this narrow track there seemed to be very deep ditches, and a moment's carelessness could end up leading to a very uncomfortable night indeed.
Eventually my headlights picked out a small house up ahead, and I drove gratefully into the drive. I checked my watch. Around 6.30. It had taken longer than I thought to get here and it was perhaps a little above and beyond the call of duty, but I thought she'd be pleased and I liked her. Sometimes you get clients that you can't wait to see the back of. But Louise was quiet, determined and funny. And it didn't hurt that she was very attractive. Did that play a part in my decision to drop off the papers in person? No, I'm sure it didn't. Well, almost sure.
I parked the car and made my way gingerly through the snow that was already starting to pile up. The sky above was dark and looked ominous. I should drop off the papers and be on my way as soon as possible. Home was still another hour away for me under normal conditions; tonight I thought it would probably take me at least two.
I rang the bell and waited. As I did so I noted in some dismay that there was an obvious patch of the driveway clear of snow where a car must have been parked until quite recently. There was no car other than mine, and I could see no signs of a garage. Just my luck if she wasn't there. But there seemed to be some lights on.
I waited. Nothing happened. I rang the bell again. This time I thought I heard some movement inside. To my left a curtain twitched and I had a brief glimpse of a face peering out at me. Then the sound of a muffled discussion the other side of the door. I waited patiently. I should have called first to warn her. To turn up in the dark like this was really quite unprofessional. I began to feel a little embarrassed. Perhaps she had company? I should just pass the papers in, apologise for the intrusion, and be on my way.
Some snow made its way down the back of my neck and I shifted uncomfortably. The muffled discussions seemed to be continuing. Finally I heard a key being turned and the scrape of a chain. The door opened an inch.
A young female face peered out. I could only see one eye, but it seemed to belong to a girl of around eighteen or nineteen. One of her daughters of course. I tried to remember their names from the sheaf of papers under my arm.
"Can I help you?" said the one-eyed girl through the gap in the door. Her voice was soft and well-spoken and just a little nervous.
"Um... yes. I just wanted to drop these papers off for your mother. I'm her lawyer... well, solicitor. I know she wanted them as soon as possible."
I produced the papers and held them out. "If you could just take them for me, I'll be on my way. No need to disturb her if she's busy. It's just if she wanted to... well, sign them tonight, we could have it all wrapped up this week."
Some more snow made its way down my neck, and I shivered reflexively. The one eye continued to regard me.
"You're... Mr Collins?"
"Andy Collins. Yes. And you must be... Eleanor or Jennifer?"
The girl made a face. "Nobody calls me Eleanor."
"Oh... sorry. Anyway, if your mother would like to quickly sign these papers, I can be on my way before the snow gets too deep."
"She's not here," said Not-Eleanor. "She had to go and see her sister. She said she'd be back around now though."
"Oh." I considered. The snow was definitely getting heavier now. Perhaps I should just cut my losses and be on my way.
"Well... if you'd be kind enough to give her these, I should probably try and get home."
"Hold on a second," said Not-Eleanor. "Please." She was polite, but understandably cautious. The door closed. More muffled discussion followed. Then I heard the sound of the chain being removed and the door opened properly.
I blinked several times, partly at the strong light that now flooded over me from the hallway but also at the three young girls now solemnly regarding me. Not-Eleanor stood holding the door, and behind her stood two others, around the same age or perhaps slightly younger.
"Won't you please come in?" said Not-Eleanor, gesturing. "If you'd like to wait, I'm sure she won't be more than a few minutes."
I hesitated, looked at the snow, at my car (already the windshield was covered) and then at the warm, welcoming hallway. I knew I should decline.
"Thank you," I said. "That's very kind of you."
I stepped into the hallway, leaving a small trail of snow behind me. The smallest of the three girls, who looked a lot like Not-Eleanor but was a blonde to NE's brunette, stood gravely behind me and helped me out of my coat. The third girl, dark haired and with a very cute, pixie-ish face, looked at me more boldly and speculatively. There was mischief in her eyes.
"Hello," I said, to the two girls to whom I hadn't been properly introduced. "I'm Andy. Andy Collins."
"Mummy's lawyer," said the girl holding my coat.
"That's right," I said.
"And are those..." She gestured at the papers. "Are they the... you know? The papers?"
I wasn't sure quite how to respond. Strictly speaking it wasn't for me to tell her what the papers were about. But she'd clearly guessed.
"Of course they are silly," said Not-Eleanor. "And about bloody time." She looked at me. "Excuse my language."
"Not at all," I said.
"This is my sister Jennifer," said NE, gesturing. "And that's my friend Kaz."
"Nice to meet you," I said.
There was a moment's awkwardness.
"You said... she'd be home any time now?"
"Yes," said the girl with my coat. Jennifer, the sister. Perhaps she didn't like to be called by her name either.
"Well, if there's somewhere I could just wait for a few minutes, I'll keep out of your way."
"Would you like a drink?" said the third girl, speaking for the first time. "We were just making drinks."
"Kaz!" The coat girl seemed embarrassed. Kaz just shrugged at her.
"Thank you," I said. "A cup of coffee would be lovely."
Kaz looked a little contemptuous. "We were making cocktails. Bloody Mary's, actually. But they're not very good."
"I think perhaps coffee would be best," I said. "I've got quite a long drive home."
She nodded, seeming a little disappointed. Not-Eleanor seemed to feel the need for decisiveness.
"Come and sit in the living room," she said. "It's the warmest room."
She led the way through a doorway where a fire was burning a little feebly. But she was right, it was noticeably warmer than the rest of the house. I knew Louise's husband had been very tight fisted during the previous few months, only paying his soon to be ex-wife the smallest amounts and those very grudgingly and very late. Probably they weren't running the central heating to save money.
I took a chair near the fire and settled down a little self-consciously. Jennifer was dispatched to the kitchen to boil the kettle and, after another slightly unsettling look at me which reminded me of a cat sizing up a bird, she was followed by Kaz.
I was left alone with the girl who opened the door. Now that I was able to see her properly, I realised just how attractive she was. Short brown hair, clear white skin and just enough curves in the right places to seem ripe and unmistakeably female.
"Er... What name do you prefer to be called?" I asked.
She smiled rather shyly. "Oh... well Mum and Jen call me Lennie. That's just a family name, really. At school they used to call me Rigby. After some song. You know, the Beatles."
"Oh, I said.
"You can call me Eleanor if you like," she said, blushing slightly. "I'm just not used to hearing it, that's all."
"I like Eleanor as a name," I said. "It's very pretty. Much prettier than... well, Lennie or Rigby."
"And girls should have pretty names, I suppose?"
She said this gently but with a touch of steel underlying it. Oh-oh. I'd strayed into patronising sexist pig territory and although she was a little shy and awkward and probably twenty years younger than me, she was putting me in my place.
"Sorry," I said. "You're quite right. That's the kind of gormless male wittering that really should be a thing of the past. My apologies, Eleanor... Rigby... Lennie."
She smiled. "That's all right. I suppose Eleanor is quite pretty, really. But mum always says we shouldn't let our looks define us, and let men pigeonhole us because of them."
"She's right," I said. "I like your mother very much."
I don't know why I said that, but it was true, and it seemed to please Eleanor.
"Oh yes," she said. "Mum is amazing, really."
I wondered how much she knew about the facts behind her parents' break-up. If she knew even a little, it would be enough to make her very suspicious of the entire male sex. Certainly enough to make her very dubious of a lone, unknown male in her house.
I shifted a little uncomfortably in my chair. The snow that had fallen down my neck had now become a rather large wet patch down my shirt and at the base of my back, and I could feel an unpleasant cold trickle beginning its descent down the top of my buttocks. But I didn't feel this was quite a suitable conversation for small talk, so a slightly awkward silence persisted for a few moments.
The door from the kitchen opened and Jennifer made her way through it, carefully holding a mug filled to the brim with some rather anaemic looking coffee. Kaz followed behind her, with a plate of biscuits that had clearly been quickly extracted from a packet.
I took the coffee and thanked them both. I tried not to wince at the first sip. It was hot, at least, but seemed to be about fifty percent milk and fifty percent water with a few token grains of coffee sprinkled on top.
"Lovely," I said. Lying is a key part of the legal profession.
The girls, understandably, didn't know quite what to do with me next. They'd probably been having a lovely girlie night in, giggling and gossiping and being silly, and now a much older male was in their midst and the dynamic was completely different. Jennifer had brushed her hair, I noticed. She was slighter than her sister and also very pretty, though I thought Eleanor just shaded her. And Kaz... had a more blatant sexual appeal, much less subtle than the two sisters. Kaz had been wearing a sweater before but now it was gone and she was down to a blue man's shirt with several buttons undone. A hint of cleavage was just visible, though I like to think my eyes didn't linger for more than a split second.
I sipped my hot liquid for another few seconds and regarded the fire. It was not doing well and the room was cooling. I noticed Eleanor -- it was safe to think of her as that now -- was shivering slightly and some goosebumps on her arms indicated Kaz was paying the price for losing her sweater.
"Should we perhaps put a few more logs on the fire?" I suggested.
Rather sweetly the girls all looked at each other to make a team decision. Solidarity in numbers, even on such a minor decision. Keep a united front against the predatory, unknown male.
Eleanor nodded. "We probably should," she said.
I knelt down from my chair and reached for some logs in a nearby basket. I arranged them carefully in the fireplace, made a few strategic adjustments with the poker, and blew gently to encourage the fire to spread a little more evenly. A minute or so later the fire was blazing much more satisfactorily and the room seemed several degrees warmer. I stayed knelt in front of the fire, enjoying the blaze but still rather aware of the moisture all over my back.
It had not escaped the girls' attention either.
"You're all wet," said Jennifer, looking at me with some dismay.
"Jenny!" Eleanor seemed to think this was a breach of propriety. Kaz, for her part, seemed to be smirking. She was certainly the most confident of the three, and I had a sudden mental flash of what she might look like naked, on a bed, legs apart and welcoming, those eyes daring me...
Jesus. I tried to gather my composure but I feared my face turned red. They'd blame it on the fire, I hoped.
"Well he is," said Jennifer, stubbornly.
"It's fine," I said smiling. "Just a bit of snow. It'll soon dry off now."
We sat for another few minutes watching the fire. I was aware of time passing and the snow gathering on top of my car.
"Do you think we should perhaps call your mother and find out where she is? If she's going to be much longer I should probably just leave the papers and be on my way... I could pick them up tomorrow. Or she could drop them off if she's coming into town."
Another look between them as they conferred. Eleanor nodded. "I'll go and call her."
"I'll do it," said Jennifer suddenly. "I want to speak to her anyway."
She sprang up and went out into the hallway, closing the door behind her. I noticed there was a phone in the corner of the room we were in, but perhaps she wanted to speak to her mother in private. Perfectly understandable.
Once again we were reduced to staring at the fire. I tried desperately to think of some conversational openings but they all seemed terribly cliched and tired. Are you still at school? What are your favourite subjects? Did you go away last year? What terrible weather we seem to be having! I felt the age gap between us yawning like a ravine. To them I must seem ancient, much as seventy year-olds seemed to me.
"Do you enjoy your work, Mr Collins?" Eleanor, bless her, making a valiant attempt at conversation and in doing so proving herself much braver than I.
I considered. "Some of the time," I said. It seemed important to be honest with that grave, beautiful looking girl. "There's a lot of paperwork that even I admit seems pointless. There's a lot of... the unpleasant side of life, I suppose. Families fighting, greed, abuse.... That sort of thing. But every now and again you get the feeling that you've really helped people. And that's... well, pretty great."
Eleanor nodded and smiled at me, a little more warmly and genuinely. I would have done a lot to get another smile like that. Be careful, I told myself. She's just being polite.
"Are you married?" asked Kaz.
"Kaz!" Eleanor, once again the guardian of what was socially acceptable.
"What?" Kaz was unrepentant. "It's a question, isn't it?"
"It's a bit... personal." Eleanor looked at me apologetically.
"I don't mind," I said. "No, I'm not married."
"Are you gay?" Kaz's eyes danced with the reflection of the flames. Very appropriate, I thought.
"Kaz!" Eleanor, up an octave of distress this time. "Mr Collins definitely doesn't have to answer that!"
A kind of devilment entered me at that point. I don't know why, and I don't know if subsequent events would have turned out any different if it hadn't, but suddenly I felt like going up against Kaz. I'd known a lot of girls like her, too aware of their attractiveness and too keen to make men squirm. There was an easy way to take the advantage away from her. Or so I thought.
"Call me Andy," I said. "And actually... yes I am. Gay, that is."
There was a moment of silence. I like to think there was also an undercurrent of disappointment.
"Oh shit," said Kaz. "I'm sorry."
"What for?" I said innocently. "Perfectly fair question."
Kaz looked awkward. "It's just... well, I mean... if I'd.... you see, if I'd..."
She was saved by Jennifer coming back in.
"Mum's staying there," she said. "She says the snow's too thick and she'll try and come back in the morning. We're to have the rest of the chilli and do pizza tomorrow from the freezer if the snow's too bad. And use the long-life milk in the pantry for cereal if we run out."
Eleanor looked distraught. "Oh no! Did you tell her Mr Collins was waiting for her here?"
Jennifer looked down. "I forgot to tell her," she muttered. Which didn't quite ring true.
Nor did it for Kaz, it seemed. "He's gay," said Kaz to Jennifer, with the air of somebody passing on news of a terminal disease.
Jennifer looked at me. "What? No! Not really?"
"It's none of our business!" Eleanor was really appalled.
"Are you really?" said Jennifer curiously to me. "Like a hundred percent gay? Or just a bit gay, like we're all supposed to be?"
"Mr Collins should go," said Eleanor firmly. "I'm sorry, Mr Collins, we had been having a few drinks before you arrived... please, don't tell our Mother about this. We're not normally this rude."
"Don't worry," I said. "I really enjoyed meeting you all. And thank you for the coffee. But you're right, I should be on my way."
I was helped back into my coat by Jennifer -- coats were her area of expertise, it seemed -- and was offered the loan of an umbrella and some boots which I declined. The girls all seemed a little subdued, probably more by the thought of a night alone in the house than by my imminent departure.
Then we opened the door and looked out.
"Oh shit," I said, unthinking.
"Fucking hell!" said Kaz, from somewhere behind me.
"Oh dear," said Eleanor.
"Wow!" said Jennifer. "Your car's like, almost completely disappeared."
The light snowfall had become a blizzard. My car was just a lump of whiteness looming out of the dark. There was no way I was going anywhere.
And just at that moment all the lights went out.
Jennifer screamed.
Using my mobile phone as a torch we made our way back into the living room where the fire was still blazing brightly. The girls seemed rather upset and panicky, and I did my best to reassure them.
"We're absolutely fine," I said. "There's probably a power line down somewhere, but we've got lots of wood, it sounds like there's plenty of food in the kitchen and in the morning we can clear the snow off my car and I can take you into town to a hotel if the power's still off. But I bet it'll be back on very quickly."
"And you'll stay with us?" Jennifer was the most upset of the three and was still a little tearful.
"Of course," I said, reassuringly. I would have liked to have given her a gentle hug but those days of touching without consent, even with the best of intentions are -- sadly I think - behind us. Even if I was gay.
"I don't want to sleep on my own," said Jennifer. "Not without any lights."
"Do you have any candles?" I asked. "You could each take a candle to your room."
"I'd be too nervous about them falling over and setting the house on fire," said Eleanor. This seemed unlikely to me but all the girls were skittish and I could understand their nervousness.
"OK," I said. "How about this. You all bring your mattresses down here. We'll push the furniture back, and you can sleep in front of the fire. It'll be like a camp."
"Yes!" said Jennifer. "Can we do that? Please, Lennie? Please!"
Eleanor looked at her sister. "All right, we'll do that. But what about you, Mr Collins?"
"Call me Andy," I said. "I can sleep out in the hallway. There's a sofa there."
"But it's teeny," protested Jennifer. "And you'll freeze!"
I wasn't keen on the idea myself, but it seemed the best option. Eleanor was having none of it, however.
"You'll sleep in here with us," she said. "It'll be much warmer. The sofa's much bigger in here, and we'll take the blankets off Mum's bed for you."
I hesitated, but not for long.
"OK," I said. "Let's do that."
I helped them carry their mattresses down from the rooms upstairs. Well, it would be more accurate to say that they showed me where their rooms were, and I carried their mattresses down while they watched and made vaguely positive and helpful noises while I did so. In Eleanor's room there was a second mattress on the floor, intended for Kaz. Eleanor's room, even in the dark lit only by my phone, smelt mysterious and feminine. Even though my breath was steaming in front of me, I felt a warmth grow in my groin at being there. I told myself off severely, picked up a mattress under each arm, and tried to look as manly as possible as I struggled down the stairs with them.
Eleanor in the meantime had been enterprising and had found some camping equipment which included a gas stove and some matches. She hadn't managed to assemble it but between us we figured it out and the hiss of the blue flame when it was lit was very cheering. She found some tins of soup to heat up and we drank it out of mugs.
"I'm going to go and get changed," announced Jennifer, when we'd finished. "I want to get under the blankets and just watch the fire."
Eleanor agreed this was a good idea and she followed her sister out of the door. Kaz, who'd been a lot more subdued since her 'are you gay' line of questioning, got up to do the same. Then she stopped and looked back at me.
"There's a bathroom out in the hallway," she said. "And I'll ask Eleanor to find you something to change into. You can't sleep in those wet things. And... I'm sorry about earlier. It was none of my business."
"Don't worry about it," I said, feeling slightly guilty at my deceitfulness. "Don't worry about it at all, Kaz."
Twenty minutes later I made my way back into the living room from the very chilly hallway, having changed in the even chillier downstairs bathroom into some pyjamas and dressing gown that Eleanor had found for me. They were presumably her father's and they were much too small, but they just about sufficed.
The girls had arranged their mattresses in a straight line a few yards from the fireplace. Jennifer was in the middle. I'd pushed the sofa over to by the window to make space, a little out of the way and less well lit by the fire. It was noticeably cooler there but I thought I probably had enough blankets to survive. I had some sofa cushions to serve as makeshift pillows.
The girls had recovered some of their cheerfulness and now seemed to be enjoying the novelty of the experience. I suspected from their faint aroma of alcohol that some more Bloody Marys had been part of their preparation for bed. They were all in pyjamas rather than night dresses, which I confess disappointed me slightly, but it was definitely a night for having as much on as possible. There was some quiet talking and giggling that I couldn't make out. I took off the dressing gown and slipped underneath the blankets.
"Mr Collins?" Eleanor's voice, soft through the darkness.
"Andy," I said.
"Andy... is there anybody you want to call? Let them know you're OK?"
I thought, but it was an easy one really. "No," I said. "Nobody I need to call. Thank you."
"No boyfriend?" That was Kaz.
"No," I said, with total honesty. "No boyfriend."
"All us girls together then," said Kaz, and the three of them giggled. I rolled my eyes in the semi darkness.
"I'm going to try and sleep," I said. "Good night girls."
"Oh no!" This was Jennifer. "It's too early to sleep. It's a sleepover. We have to have a midnight feast, and gossip, and talk about boys."
I groaned inwardly.
"I bet there's loads Andy can tell us about boys," said Kaz. Jennifer giggled loudly at that, and I thought I heard Eleanor snicker a little as well.
"Oooh yes," said Jennifer. "Tell us what you've done, Andy. I bet you've had loads of boyfriends."
"I really don't think I can tell you anything about that," I said, still with complete sincerity.
All three girls booed softly in unison. "Spoilsport," said Jennifer.
"Well, just because Andy's a prude, it doesn't mean it should spoil our evening," said Kaz. "Each of us has to tell us one thing about something they've done with a boy."
"I'm not doing that!" Eleanor, sounding horrified.
"Of course you are. And don't act all innocent. I know a lot of it already, remember. Or are you denying that you finally gave Dave a hand job last week?"
"Ewww!" That was Jennifer. "Eleanor, not really!"
"She so did," said Kaz. "Three tissues worth, she told me."
"Kaz, you're just the absolute worst! Poor Mr Collins... Andy.... He's just going to think we're the most appalling... and he knows Mummy..."
"I bet you've done lots worse when you were our age, isn't that right Andy?" Kaz's voice was challenging.
"No comment," I said, wishing I was almost anywhere else. Wishing too that the warmth in my groin wasn't back with a vengeance, and showing no sign of disappearing anytime soon.
Silence for a moment. Then Jennifer's voice again, a little quieter but still clearly audible. And with an enquiring, scientific tone.
"Three tissues worth? THREE?"
Snorts of laughter from Kaz.
"Stop it!" Eleanor, protesting, but there was a break in her voice that indicated she was on the verge of losing it too.
"That must be like... half a cupful!"
"Jennifer, just leave it!"
"But what size tissues? Little pocket ones, or the big... mansize ones!"
They all went into hysterics at that. Even I was smiling in the darkness.
"I wouldn't have thought... Dave had it in him," gasped Jennifer, and that was enough for another minute of uncontrollable giggling.
Eventually the giggling calmed down, though it seemed to take a long time. There would be silence, then one of them would snort or giggle and the other two would be off again.
But finally some semblance of calmness returned.
"Your turn Jen," said Kaz. "Give us the goss."
"Why is it my turn? I bet you've done loads more than I have."
"We're saving the best to last. Come on -- have you given somebody a little chaste peck on the cheek? Perhaps patted their hand fondly."
"Fuck off!" Jennifer was indignant. "I don't know why you think I'm such a simpering virgin."
"Because you are," said Kaz.
There was a silence.
Then Kaz's voice, incredulous. "You are, aren't you?"
No comment.
"Fucking hell!"
"Jenn... not really?" Her sister, sounding both concerned and fascinated.
"I'm not saying anything."
"Don't worry about Mr Collins," said Kaz. "He's quite cool, for a lawyer." Damned with faint praise, but we take what we can get.
"I'm not worried about Mr Collins," sad Jennifer. "I like Mr Collins. I mean Andy."
"Thank you Jen," I called. "I like you too."
"What about the rest of us," called Kaz. "You must like Eleanor, at least. Everybody loves Rigby."
"I do like her, very much. And you, Kaz. And... I won't tell anybody anything. Lawyer client confidentiality all that, you know." I paused. "I like all of you, very much. I really do."
There was a silence. I like to think it was a pleased silence.
"Come on Jen. We need to know. When was it? And who with?"
There was a sigh. Then a pause. Then Jen muttered "Ben Grimshaw."
"No! I thought he was gay!"
"Well, he's not," said Jen.
"So what did you do with him?" That was Eleanor.
"Well... more than you did with Dave and the tissues."
"Did you actually... you know... all the way...?"
"You did!" Kaz sounded elated.
"Just for a minute."
"I don't think the duration counts, sweetie. You actually... did it with him?"
"Was it ok, Jen?" Eleanor, concerned for her sister. I liked her even more for that.
"Well... not really."
"Did it hurt?"
"No... it was ok... it was just a bit... well, rubbish really. I mean, you'd think looking at him he'd know what he was doing, wouldn't you? But he so didn't. I mean, I practically had to do everything. And he was... so quick!"
"Well, he is on the track team," said Kaz, and that generated another round of giggles.
"But I mean," said Jen, "I mean... it was just getting interesting, and I was starting to feel, you know... like it was going to be quite good, when it was... all over."
"Oh dear," said Eleanor. "And he wasn't up for... a second round?"
"No... though that was my fault really. I mean, he asked me if I'd enjoyed it, and I said yes, but obviously it wasn't very convincing so he asked me again and this time I got a bit cross so we ended up having a bit of a fight and he stormed off and he's not spoken to me since."
"What a pig!" Eleanor was indignant. "Next time I see him I'm going to..." She trailed off, failing to think of a suitable punishment.
"It was so disappointing," said Jen. "I mean, I keep thinking about it, and how it should have been really great. He's got a nice body and his... thing... was quite nice as well. But I don't think I'll try again with him. So now I've got to start again with somebody else."
"You need Daryl," said Kaz.
"Daryl the Lab Assistant? With that horrible little beard? I thought you just snogged him that one time."
"I quite like the beard," said Kaz, defensively. "But I tell you what, he's got the opposite problem to Ben."
"What's the opposite problem?" Eleanor was intrigued.
"You know... instead of being too quick... he can hardly manage to at all."
"And that's good?"
"Well, it certainly gives you possibilities. I mean, he can stay hard for as long as you want. But he just never... finishes. He's like a sort of... jack hammer. Not very subtle, but I'm working on it."
There was a silence while the girls presumably ruminated on the virtues of Daryl the Jackhammer.
Jen was curious. "So... if he can't... finish... when does it all actually stop?"
"When I tell him I'm too sore to carry on. And then he... uses his hands while I watch to sort himself out."
"Sort himself out?"
"Oh, for god's sake Eleanor, let's stop being so coy, shall we? He stops fucking me when my cunt gets too sore and then he uses his hands to make himself come."
Another silence.
"That's such a bad word," said Eleanor.
"Cunt cunt cunt," said Kaz. "I've got a cunt, Jen's got a cunt, and, as we know, you've definitely got a cunt, Rigby."
"What does that mean?" asked Jen. "Why are you talking about... Lennie's... thing... like that?"
"Shall I tell her, Lennie?"
"Tell me what?"
"Kaz!" Anguish from Eleanor.
"I think we should get some more drinks," said Kaz. "Whaddya say, Andy?"
Kaz brought me a tall glass of Bloody Mary. As she handed it to me she looked at me curiously. I'd been careful to cover myself well with blankets, very aware of the rock-hard erection that I'd been sporting for most of the last fifteen minutes. I tried to make myself look airy and in control of the situation. I felt like a Christian in the arena with some very hungry lions, hoping he won't get spotted.
I tasted the drink cautiously as Kaz made her way back to her mattress. If the coffee had been so insipid as to be almost water, this was the opposite. This was almost neat vodka with a half-hearted splash of tomato juice and a few unidentified fragments of vegetable floating around in it. If they'd had a couple of these before I'd arrived then no wonder inhibitions were slipping.
"So," said Jennifer when they'd all had a few sips of their drinks. "Tell me!"
"It was just an experiment," said Eleanor.
"Like you didn't come your little head off," scoffed Kaz.
"I didn't say it wasn't a very nice experiment."
"For the love of God, will you please tell me what you ACTUALLY DID?"
"We went down on each other," said Kaz.
"What! You went down... like in 'went down'?"
"No, I mean in like joining the navy and going on a submarine together, you clown. Yes -- went down. Ate out. Dined at the Y. I licked her pussy, she licked my pussy. Or cunt, if you prefer. I think I do. We licked each other's cunts."
"Jesus H Christ," said Jennifer. I echoed her silently. I hadn't thought my erection could have got any harder, but it seems I was wrong.
"So are you two... gay?"
Almost in unison.
"We were experimenting," said Eleanor. "Like I said."
"But... Kaz said you... had an orgasm?"
"I said, actually, she came her little head off." Kaz was a stickler for accuracy.
"Well... yes, I did."
"Yay me," said Kaz. "Kaz the Rug Muncher. Available for parties and bar mitzvahs. Or anything, really."
"And you did the same to her?"
"I did, yes, except I don't think I was as good."
"She wasn't bad," said Kaz. "Really very good. I think it a bit of practice she could definitely get me off. But when it comes to natural talent... seems like that's me."
"Jeez," said Jennifer. "I mean... wow."
"You sound just like your sister when she's coming."
"She does not!"
"I'm teasing! It's more like... oh my god, oh my god, yes, more, right there, with your tongue... Jesus, yes, like that, now your finger... oh fuck oh fuck..."
"Kaz! Shut up!" Despite her embarrassment, Eleanor was giggling. I closed my eyes. This was going to be a long, painful night.
"Maybe she was faking," said Jennifer. "That doesn't sound like Lennie."
"I promise you, she was not faking."
"No... she really did make me... come. Twice actually. A big one and then a little one."
"Fuuuuccck," said Jennifer. She drank some more of her drink while she pondered this. Then she put her glass down and flopped back onto her mattress.
"God this is making me SO HORNY!"
"Me too," said Kaz. "I wish Daryl was here. I think I could fuck him all night."
Jennifer looked at her. "But you'd have to share, right? I mean, that would be selfish if it was just you."
"I guess. You'd owe me though."
"How much?"
"Oh... well, maybe I'd make you go down on me."
"Noooo!" Jennifer stared at her aghast, not sure if she was joking. "Really?"
"Sure. Maybe you'd be better than your sister. But I quite fancy the idea of you licking me out. Maybe while I suck Daryl's cock."
"Kaz! This is getting really filthy!" Eleanor looked at the other two girls. "You're corrupting my sister!"
"She's already corrupted. And don't tell me you're not just as horny."
"I'm not saying anything."
"I bet you are. I bet... I bet if I offered to go down on you right now, you'd say yes."
"I wouldn't!"
"OK. So I'm now offering, for real, and you're saying no."
"Well... we can't do it here! Not now!"
"Why not?"
"Not in front of Jen... and Mr... Andy."
Kaz called over to me. "Do you object, Andy?"
"Um... I think, probably we should try and get some sleep now," I said. Pathetic, I know.
Kaz waved a dismissive hand. "Wuss. He's fine with it."
"Well... I'm not doing it in front of Jen."
"Oh please, Lennie. It'd be really... interesting."
"See? Broaden your sister's horizons. And you get a nice little orgasm too. Or a great big one, if you're lucky."
I will never know what would have happened next, because at that moment the fire gave a loud crack and one of the logs rolled suddenly out and onto the hearth, spreading fiery embers onto the rug. In a second I was off the sofa and I'd dashed over. I grabbed the poker so I could roll the log back into safety. Then I hurriedly beat the embers out with a cushion before rearranging the logs on the fire and putting the fire guard in front of it to avoid a repeat performance.
"God, that scared the life out of me," said Jennifer. "That could have been BAD."
"Yes," said Eleanor. "Thank you Andy."
Kaz was staring at me. Or, to be more accurate, she was staring at my groin. My state of excitement was still obvious, though neither Eleanor nor Jennifer seemed to have noticed. A slow, mischievous smile spread over Kaz's face. I made a hurried retreat to my sofa.
"Maybe Andy's right," said Eleanor. "Let's try and get to sleep."
"No, seriously."
Jennifer muttered darkly and arranged herself grumpily under blankets.
"Let's play a game," said Kaz.
"No, let's not," said Eleanor. "Your kind of games always lead to trouble. And you're in a really... naughty mood tonight."
"I am," agreed Kaz. "But I tell you what. Let's play my game for... five minutes. And if you don't like it, we'll all go to sleep like the little good girls we are. Deal?"
"Hmmm." Eleanor was suspicious. "What's the game? I bet it's to do with sex."
"I'm not playing if it isn't," said Jennifer, perking up. "Come on Lennie. It is a sleepover."
"This game is called..." said Kaz. "This game is called... What If?"
There was an expectant silence.
"The rules are, each of us has to say something beginning with the words 'What If'. Then the rest of us take turns to say what we'd do if that 'What If' was true. And each of us has to go a bit further than the person before until one of us chickens out."
"It doesn't sound very sexy," said Jennifer, disappointed.
"Trust me," said Kaz. "It's all in how you play it."
Eleanor sighed. "All right," she said. "One round."
"Goodie," said Kaz. "I'll go first, shall I? Show you how it's done."
There was a pause. Kaz pretended to think, but I'm pretty sure she'd known from the start exactly what she was going to say.
"What if," she said thoughtfully. "What if... let me see... what if... Andy wasn't actually gay? What if Andy actually really was very hot blooded and very heterosexual and very turned on and was lying on the sofa right now with a really big hard-on?"
"Oh, come on," said Eleanor. "This is a really silly game."
Jennifer, however, didn't seem to agree. She sat up and looked at me.
"If Andy wasn't gay," she said, dreamily. "I would go over there and... pull off the blankets and look at his cock."
Kaz just nodded and looked at Eleanor, whose mouth was open in horror. "Your turn."
Eleanor couldn't meet my eyes. "This is not very appropriate."
"Andy doesn't mind," said Kaz. "He's a good sport, aren't you Andy?"
My throat seemed to have gone quite dry, so I made a sort of non-committal croaking noise. It seemed to be enough to satisfy Eleanor.
"If Andy wasn't gay," she said quietly. "I would go over there and... well I'd.... I'd stroke his... cock."
Kaz said, "If Andy wasn't gay, I would go over there and lick his cock."
Jennifer, with barely a pause, said, "If Andy wasn't gay I would go over there and sit on his cock and let him fuck me and fuck me and fuck me and..."
"Steady on," said Kaz. "This is supposed to build slowly, OK?"
"Sorry," said Jennifer. "But I think this is going to be the worst game ever. It's making me so horny again."
"Well, sorry sis but it is! Come on -- you must be turned on too!"
Eleanor didn't answer. The other two girls watched her, and Kaz made an expectant gesture.
"Your turn."
Eleanor thought for a moment. "If Andy wasn't gay, I would go over there and... and... sit on his face."
"While he was fucking me?" asked Jennifer brightly. "At the same time, I mean."
Eleanor threw up her hands. "I don't know! If you want... sure! Why not!"
"Cool!" enthused Jennifer. "Come on Kaz. Your go."
"If Andy wasn't gay," said Kaz. "And if he was busy fucking and licking the two of you... I guess I would have to come over and suck your juices off his dick before shoving it back inside of you. Then I'd play with both of you, licking your tits and kissing you."
"Fucking hell," said Jennifer, and Eleanor seemed to shiver.
"And then he could fuck Lennie, while we watched?" Jennifer seemed to have thrown the format of the game out of the window, but I couldn't blame her.
"Sure," said Kaz quietly. "Maybe he could fuck her doggie style while I lay in front of her and she ate me out. And... if you wanted to, you could sit on my face while I licked your cunt."
Jennifer moaned. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have a small orgasm right there.
"Oh fuck," she whispered. "This is so... fucking.... Unbearable. It's just torture!"
Kaz looked at Eleanor. "What about you? Are you all wet and worked up?"
Eleanor nodded slowly.
"Good," said Kaz.
"What's good about it?" moaned Eleanor. "I really think I'm going to need to... you know... go somewhere and... well..."
"Give yourself a good seeing to? I know, sweetie, I know. But maybe we can do a bit better than that."
She looked over at me.
"Andy, what do you think? Ready to help a few poor lonely young girls out?"
Eleanor and Jennifer both stared at her. Then at me. I looked back at them.
"You are... gay...aren't you... Andy?" Jennifer whispered.
Very, very slowly, I shook my head.
"Oh... my.... God," breathed Eleanor.
I stood up from the sofa. Kaz looked at me, triumphant. She nodded, and patted the space on the mattress between herself and Jennifer. I stood up, tugged down my borrowed pyjama bottoms and tugged off the top. Then I made my way over to them. They watched my progress as if hypnotised. The room felt cool against my skin but there was more than enough heat in my groin to compensate.
I knelt on the mattress between Kaz and Jennifer. Kaz smiled, then reached up and kissed me softly on the lips. I turned and Jennifer, her eyes full of wonder, did the same. She seemed to be in a daze. I looked over at Eleanor, watching me from just beyond her sister.
"I'm sorry," I said. "I don't know why I said what I did. I can go, if you want." Though I knew that wasn't really possible.
"No," she whispered. "Please don't. I'm... so glad you're here."
Then she reached over too, and I bent my head to meet hers. She coiled an arm around my head and kissed me fiercely and passionately.
"So glad," she murmured. "Dear Andy."
I felt a hand on my cock and looked down. Rather shyly, Jennifer had reached and was stroking it gently.
"It's so hard," she said, almost to herself. "So hard. Doesn't it hurt?"
I shook my head.
"Lie down beside us," said Kaz.
I did as I was told. Kaz was on my left, Jennifer on my right. And then suddenly Eleanor was in front of me, kneeling on the mattress at my feet.
"We have the whole night," said Kaz. "So let's not be greedy, let's share everything, and let's take our time, OK?"
The other two girls nodded. Kaz looked at me.
"Somehow I don't think you're going to have the problem poor old Ben has. And we want you to come too, we really do... but not too soon, OK? If you feel you're getting close, tell us and we'll slow down."
I nodded my agreement.
"Now, we're going to carry on with the game. Only this time, we take it in turns to say what we want. And this time" -- she reached up and kissed me again -- "this time we've got a good chance of getting it."
I smiled at her. "I'll certainly do my best."
Kaz looked at the girls. "Who's first?"
"Let Jenn go," said Eleanor. "She's the youngest."
Jennifer looked at her sister with total adoration. She leaned over and kissed her.
"You're the best sister in the world," she told her.
Then she turned and looked at me.
"And my request is that you make Eleanor come."
Eleanor gave a small involuntary squeak, then blushed.
"I'd be delighted," I said.
"I guess should probably all take our clothes off," said Kaz.
I got Eleanor to lie down on the mattress beside me. She had lovely medium sized breasts, slightly puffy, and a small neat line of pubic hair above her cunt. I ran a finger down her body, over her nipples, past her belly button, and stopping just above her groin. I fancied I could see small beads of moisture glistening in the firelight, but perhaps that was my imagination. She trembled.
"Oh please," she said.
I looked at Kaz, who was sitting by her head. "Hold her hands," I said.
Then I lowered myself down the length of Eleanor's body, tasting her skin as I descended. I took a nipple in my mouth and teased it gently. Then the other. Then a slow orbit of her belly button. Lower and lower, until I finally arrived at my destination. I let my tongue caress the area just above her clit. Then down the left-hand side, just avoiding her labia. Then the same on the other side. I brought a hand up and with the lightest touch I could manage I delicately stroked her lips, which seemed to part almost at once. She gasped.
"Oh fuck oh fuck."
I looked up and said to Kaz, "Lick her nipples. Gently." Kaz nodded and bowed her head and set to work.
Behind me, I could feel and sense Jennifer was playing with herself as she watched us.
I lowered my head again and once more my tongue probed her. Starting just below the base of her slit this time, circling and teasing. Then up, probing gently between her lips, tasting her sweetness. Higher and higher, until my mouth was directly above her clit again. Then I went lower and encircled with my mouth.
She gasped again, louder this time. "Oh my god!"
She tried to move but Kaz held her tight. I don't think she really knew what was doing. She lifted her hips up to meet me, to force me deeper into her, and then reversed direction, away from me, then back up again, up and down, anything to try and alleviate the pressure that was clearly building within her.
"Oh please," she said. "Oh please... I can't stand it. Please!"
I moved a hand up so I could finger her gently, just the tip of one finger to start with, playing with her lips and moving them further apart. Then a cautious, gentle exploration, advancing slowly, making sure the intrusion was welcome and not unpleasant.
"More," she said. "More. Fuck me, please."
I thrust a finger into her and began to slowly fuck her with that, in and out, pushing upwards as I did so to maximise the pressure on the area just below her clit. I kept my mouth busy as I did so, still working away on that small nub of pleasure.
She was getting close now, I could feel it, but I wanted to feel her climax as she lay underneath me, properly buried inside her.
I said, "Can I fuck you, Eleanor?"
"Oh god please yes fuck me!"
Behind me I heard Jennifer groan and redouble her efforts at whatever she was doing.
I nodded at Kaz who moved away and let go. Eleanor looked up at me as I moved above her, her eyes almost not seeing me. She reached down and frantically grabbed me, guiding her inside me, pulling me into her until I was almost completely submerged inside her. Then she seemed to stop dead for several seconds, perhaps longer. She gave a long, ragged breath. Then her hips began to gently rock, encouraging me, and I took over and began to fuck her properly, slowly at first as she adjusted to having me in her but then with firmer and harder strokes.
"Oh my god oh my god yes that's so good."
"Come for me Eleanor," I whispered into her ear. "Please."
"Yes, come for us Eleanor," said Kaz, kneeling beside her. "He's fucking your cunt, the cunt I'm going to lick clean while he fucks your sister. Would you like that, Eleanor?"
"Ohmigod ohmigod I'm coming, yes yes yes!"
Her orgasm broke over and I felt her muscles tighten around me. I stopped, knowing that if I carried on much longer I would be in danger of coming myself. And the night was too young for that.
Eleanor shuddered and shivered beneath me and I kissed her sweaty brow tenderly. I was glad she was the first to have orgasmed, and inordinately proud in that rather silly male way that I'd helped her there.
"Thank you," she said. "Thank you. I needed that."
"Well, what about me!" wailed Jennifer from behind me. I laughed, I couldn't help it. Eleanor laughed too, and then gasped as a secondary wave of smaller orgasms seemed to pass through her.
"All right sis," she said. "You can have him now."
I pulled myself gently out of her. My cock glistened in the firelight with her juices. Kaz's eyes gleamed.
"Just a sec, Jenny," she said. "Let me get him ready for you."
She pushed me so I rolled over and she hungrily took me in her mouth, cleaning me and sucking me. Eleanor and Jennifer watched, fascinated, as she slurped her way diligently up and down, one hand holding my cock firm at its base while she did so.
"Oh please hurry," said Jennifer. Kaz's eyes looked into mine and she gave me a wink. She had the devil in her, that one.
Reluctantly she lifted her mouth away from my cock and looked at Jennifer, who was kneeling and watching like an expectant puppy.
"I love the taste of your sister's cunt," she told her. "Can I taste yours as well?"
Without waiting for an answer she pushed her back and hurriedly pushed her head between Jennifer's legs. From the way Jennifer immediately spread them out even wider I don't think she was objecting.
I absent-mindedly stroked my cock as I watched. I looked over at Eleanor who smiled at me, now not in the least embarrassed or awkward at the situation we had found ourselves in.
Kaz finally withdrew and Jennifer with almost frantic haste pushed me onto my back.
"We can do it slower later - but please if I don't get that inside me I'm just going to die."
And within seconds she was impaled on me, her head thrown back in abandonment. I reached up and cupped her small breasts, feeling the rock hard nipples in each palm. Then to my slight surprise she stretched out her length against mine, my cock still buried deep inside her, and she began to fuck me almost as if she was a man, her hips pushing down against mine, her arms behind my back, her feet pushing on top of mine to give herself traction. If with Eleanor I had been the main instigator and the dominant one, with Jennifer there was no question that she was the one in control. I just lay there and enjoyed the sensation of being totally consumed and used by her.
She didn't last long. Her mouth was by my ear and I could hear the gasps getting shorter and more frantic.
"Oh... my... god... I am... going to come... so MUCH!"
And she did, with another sequence of frantic thrusts against me, her hip bones almost drawing blood as they banged into me. I kept my arms around her back, stroking the length of her from shoulders to small rounded buttocks and back, as she quivered and sighed against me.
"You are... so... fucking... not... gay!" she managed.
I stroked her hair. "I'm so not," I agreed.
She seemed happy to lie like that indefinitely, but I was aware that there remained at least one more initial round to be completed. And sure enough, Kaz tapped Jennifer on the shoulder.
"My turn," she said.
With a small set of grumbling noises Jennifer rolled off me, my cock emerging from her with a delicious sucking sound.
"I'll get another go, won't I?"
"Don't be greedy, Jennifer. But if we pace ourselves, we'll all get as much as we want, OK?"
Jennifer looked doubtful. "Well... I want quite a lot!"
Kaz looked over at Eleanor. "Your sister is a nympho!"
Eleanor smiled. "Good for her. I have a feeling I might be too."
Kaz looked at me. "Poor old Andy. Trapped in the snow with three teenage nymphomaniacs."
"Some people are just born unlucky," I said.
"How do you want to fuck me, Andy? I'll let you choose."
"I'm glad you asked," I said.
Kaz knelt before me on all fours, her small perky backside angled up to greet me. Like the rest of her, it seemed to exude a cheeky defiance that I felt I needed to conquer. I had got Eleanor to lie in front of her, legs spread. And Jennifer knelt beside me, looking down at where my cock jutted out, bumping along the crack between Kaz's buttocks.
I reached down and ran an exploratory finger along her pussy. It was sopping wet. I scooped some of the moisture onto my finger and lifted it so Jennifer could suck it off.
"You want me to fuck you, Kaz?"
"Yes. Fuck me."
"You really want it?"
"Yes! I really do, now get on with it!"
"I don't know... maybe I should fuck Eleanor again. Or Jennifer. Their cunts were just so lovely and tight and wet... is your cunt that wet, Kaz?"
"Yes... it fucking is... you know it is.... Now just fuck me!"
I looked at Jennifer. "Push my cock into her."
Her eyes gleamed. Her hand took hold of me and she pushed it downwards, past Kaz's little puckered hole and into the groove of her cunt. She brushed it up and down slowly, looking at me for confirmation. I nodded, she took her hand away, and I pressed forward, slipping easily into Kaz, who gasped.
"Oh god that's good," she said softly.
"Hush," I said. "You're supposed to be eating Eleanor's cunt, remember."
Obediently she lowered her head and began to work away at the pussy in front of her.
Eleanor closed her eyes in bliss. "God, I love the snow," she said.
I fucked Kaz like that for several minutes, a more brutal, impersonal fucking than I'd had with the other two girls. I liked Kaz very much, and I doubt that without her the evening would have taken the turn it did, but that was definitely an air of sexual cockiness about her that any man would have recognised and responded to as a challenge. I fully hoped that later in the night we would have a more intimate, affectionate connection -- but for now I wanted to fuck her hard. And I guessed she wasn't going object to that either.
I slammed into her with increasing ferocity, and as I did so her mouth moved harder and with more force on Eleanor's pussy. Eleanor's eyes were closed now, and I sensed her second orgasm of the night was on the horizon.
"Make Eleanor come," I told Kaz. "Make Eleanor come or I'll have to stop and fuck Jennifer instead."
"Oh, yes please," murmured Jennifer.
Kaz rose to the challenge. I saw her head moving more energetically from side to side as she teased and tortured Eleanor's young and tender slit.
"Oh god," said Eleanor. "Like that Kaz, just like that."
I had slowed to watch and now Kaz stopped briefly to bark her instructions at me.
"Don't... stop... fucking... me... you... bastard!"
Eleanor was coming now, her body shuddering under her friend's attentions. I smiled at Jennifer whose eyes were bright and shining. She nodded encouragement and I increased my tempo again, fucking her with an increasingly desperate fury. Hers was the third teenage cunt I had been in in the space of an hour, and I reckoned I deserved a medal for lasting as long as I had. But now I needed to come, and come hard, and it was going to be close as to whether I could get Kaz over the edge before I exploded myself.
"Play with her tits," I said to Jennifer. "Squeeze those tits and make her come."
Jennifer moved forward and slipped her arms around Kaz's back, one hand for each breast. Kaz gasped. Her mouth was in her friend's cunt, she had a cock up her pussy and now her tits were being fondled and tweaked by her friend's little sister. It was too much for her, and she started to come with a long, deep cry that burst out of her.
"God... I'm COMING!"
"Can I come in you?" I asked desperately. "Can I come in your cunt, Kaz?"
But Kaz was too far gone to listen or respond. I could feel that familiar surge in my balls and knew I should really pull myself out now. But god, every impulse in my body wanted for my cock to stay where it was.
It was Jennifer who saved me.
"You can come in my mouth," she said. "I want it. Quickly!"
So I pulled myself out and hurriedly swivelled around to present myself to her bowed head. She took me in her mouth and I groaned as a torrent of come shot out of me. Jennifer sucked and slurped away, trying to take every drop but not quite succeeding -- a small amount ran out of her mouth and dribbled down her chin. She was making small contented noises as she swallowed.
I looked around, my vision slightly blurred by the intensity of my orgasm. Ahead of me, Eleanor was smiling at me a little dazedly. Kaz had collapsed on top of her, and Eleanor was stroking her hair tenderly. She mouthed a "thank you" at me. And now Jennifer straightened up beside me, wiping the remains of my seed from her chin and looking, in every respect, like the cat who got the cream.
Gradually the room ceased to spin and my vision returned to normal. I lay down gingerly on the mattress. After a few moments I felt Kaz snuggle onto my left side. Then Eleanor did the same on my right side, nibbling my ear briefly as she did so. It tickled.
"Hey," said Jennifer, "where am I supposed to go?"
There was only one obvious answer to that, and a few seconds later I found another parcel of warm naked girl lying on top of me.
Eleanor began to giggle. "To think I nearly didn't let you in," she said.
"God," said Kaz. "What an awful thought."
"How long before you can do it again?" said Jennifer.
I wondered how long the snow would last. A long, long time, I hoped.
It was snowing lightly as I made my way slowly along the lane that, according to my sat nav, should be where Louise Medhurst lived. There seemed to be no sign of a house though. I drove along carefully, aware that on either side of this narrow track there seemed to be very deep ditches, and a moment's carelessness could end up leading to a very uncomfortable night indeed.
Eventually my headlights picked out a small house up ahead, and I drove gratefully into the drive. I checked my watch. Around 6.30. It had taken longer than I thought to get here and it was perhaps a little above and beyond the call of duty, but I thought she'd be pleased and I liked her. Sometimes you get clients that you can't wait to see the back of. But Louise was quiet, determined and funny. And it didn't hurt that she was very attractive. Did that play a part in my decision to drop off the papers in person? No, I'm sure it didn't. Well, almost sure.
I parked the car and made my way gingerly through the snow that was already starting to pile up. The sky above was dark and looked ominous. I should drop off the papers and be on my way as soon as possible. Home was still another hour away for me under normal conditions; tonight I thought it would probably take me at least two.
I rang the bell and waited. As I did so I noted in some dismay that there was an obvious patch of the driveway clear of snow where a car must have been parked until quite recently. There was no car other than mine, and I could see no signs of a garage. Just my luck if she wasn't there. But there seemed to be some lights on.
I waited. Nothing happened. I rang the bell again. This time I thought I heard some movement inside. To my left a curtain twitched and I had a brief glimpse of a face peering out at me. Then the sound of a muffled discussion the other side of the door. I waited patiently. I should have called first to warn her. To turn up in the dark like this was really quite unprofessional. I began to feel a little embarrassed. Perhaps she had company? I should just pass the papers in, apologise for the intrusion, and be on my way.
Some snow made its way down the back of my neck and I shifted uncomfortably. The muffled discussions seemed to be continuing. Finally I heard a key being turned and the scrape of a chain. The door opened an inch.
A young female face peered out. I could only see one eye, but it seemed to belong to a girl of around eighteen or nineteen. One of her daughters of course. I tried to remember their names from the sheaf of papers under my arm.
"Can I help you?" said the one-eyed girl through the gap in the door. Her voice was soft and well-spoken and just a little nervous.
"Um... yes. I just wanted to drop these papers off for your mother. I'm her lawyer... well, solicitor. I know she wanted them as soon as possible."
I produced the papers and held them out. "If you could just take them for me, I'll be on my way. No need to disturb her if she's busy. It's just if she wanted to... well, sign them tonight, we could have it all wrapped up this week."
Some more snow made its way down my neck, and I shivered reflexively. The one eye continued to regard me.
"You're... Mr Collins?"
"Andy Collins. Yes. And you must be... Eleanor or Jennifer?"
The girl made a face. "Nobody calls me Eleanor."
"Oh... sorry. Anyway, if your mother would like to quickly sign these papers, I can be on my way before the snow gets too deep."
"She's not here," said Not-Eleanor. "She had to go and see her sister. She said she'd be back around now though."
"Oh." I considered. The snow was definitely getting heavier now. Perhaps I should just cut my losses and be on my way.
"Well... if you'd be kind enough to give her these, I should probably try and get home."
"Hold on a second," said Not-Eleanor. "Please." She was polite, but understandably cautious. The door closed. More muffled discussion followed. Then I heard the sound of the chain being removed and the door opened properly.
I blinked several times, partly at the strong light that now flooded over me from the hallway but also at the three young girls now solemnly regarding me. Not-Eleanor stood holding the door, and behind her stood two others, around the same age or perhaps slightly younger.
"Won't you please come in?" said Not-Eleanor, gesturing. "If you'd like to wait, I'm sure she won't be more than a few minutes."
I hesitated, looked at the snow, at my car (already the windshield was covered) and then at the warm, welcoming hallway. I knew I should decline.
"Thank you," I said. "That's very kind of you."
I stepped into the hallway, leaving a small trail of snow behind me. The smallest of the three girls, who looked a lot like Not-Eleanor but was a blonde to NE's brunette, stood gravely behind me and helped me out of my coat. The third girl, dark haired and with a very cute, pixie-ish face, looked at me more boldly and speculatively. There was mischief in her eyes.
"Hello," I said, to the two girls to whom I hadn't been properly introduced. "I'm Andy. Andy Collins."
"Mummy's lawyer," said the girl holding my coat.
"That's right," I said.
"And are those..." She gestured at the papers. "Are they the... you know? The papers?"
I wasn't sure quite how to respond. Strictly speaking it wasn't for me to tell her what the papers were about. But she'd clearly guessed.
"Of course they are silly," said Not-Eleanor. "And about bloody time." She looked at me. "Excuse my language."
"Not at all," I said.
"This is my sister Jennifer," said NE, gesturing. "And that's my friend Kaz."
"Nice to meet you," I said.
There was a moment's awkwardness.
"You said... she'd be home any time now?"
"Yes," said the girl with my coat. Jennifer, the sister. Perhaps she didn't like to be called by her name either.
"Well, if there's somewhere I could just wait for a few minutes, I'll keep out of your way."
"Would you like a drink?" said the third girl, speaking for the first time. "We were just making drinks."
"Kaz!" The coat girl seemed embarrassed. Kaz just shrugged at her.
"Thank you," I said. "A cup of coffee would be lovely."
Kaz looked a little contemptuous. "We were making cocktails. Bloody Mary's, actually. But they're not very good."
"I think perhaps coffee would be best," I said. "I've got quite a long drive home."
She nodded, seeming a little disappointed. Not-Eleanor seemed to feel the need for decisiveness.
"Come and sit in the living room," she said. "It's the warmest room."
She led the way through a doorway where a fire was burning a little feebly. But she was right, it was noticeably warmer than the rest of the house. I knew Louise's husband had been very tight fisted during the previous few months, only paying his soon to be ex-wife the smallest amounts and those very grudgingly and very late. Probably they weren't running the central heating to save money.
I took a chair near the fire and settled down a little self-consciously. Jennifer was dispatched to the kitchen to boil the kettle and, after another slightly unsettling look at me which reminded me of a cat sizing up a bird, she was followed by Kaz.
I was left alone with the girl who opened the door. Now that I was able to see her properly, I realised just how attractive she was. Short brown hair, clear white skin and just enough curves in the right places to seem ripe and unmistakeably female.
"Er... What name do you prefer to be called?" I asked.
She smiled rather shyly. "Oh... well Mum and Jen call me Lennie. That's just a family name, really. At school they used to call me Rigby. After some song. You know, the Beatles."
"Oh, I said.
"You can call me Eleanor if you like," she said, blushing slightly. "I'm just not used to hearing it, that's all."
"I like Eleanor as a name," I said. "It's very pretty. Much prettier than... well, Lennie or Rigby."
"And girls should have pretty names, I suppose?"
She said this gently but with a touch of steel underlying it. Oh-oh. I'd strayed into patronising sexist pig territory and although she was a little shy and awkward and probably twenty years younger than me, she was putting me in my place.
"Sorry," I said. "You're quite right. That's the kind of gormless male wittering that really should be a thing of the past. My apologies, Eleanor... Rigby... Lennie."
She smiled. "That's all right. I suppose Eleanor is quite pretty, really. But mum always says we shouldn't let our looks define us, and let men pigeonhole us because of them."
"She's right," I said. "I like your mother very much."
I don't know why I said that, but it was true, and it seemed to please Eleanor.
"Oh yes," she said. "Mum is amazing, really."
I wondered how much she knew about the facts behind her parents' break-up. If she knew even a little, it would be enough to make her very suspicious of the entire male sex. Certainly enough to make her very dubious of a lone, unknown male in her house.
I shifted a little uncomfortably in my chair. The snow that had fallen down my neck had now become a rather large wet patch down my shirt and at the base of my back, and I could feel an unpleasant cold trickle beginning its descent down the top of my buttocks. But I didn't feel this was quite a suitable conversation for small talk, so a slightly awkward silence persisted for a few moments.
The door from the kitchen opened and Jennifer made her way through it, carefully holding a mug filled to the brim with some rather anaemic looking coffee. Kaz followed behind her, with a plate of biscuits that had clearly been quickly extracted from a packet.
I took the coffee and thanked them both. I tried not to wince at the first sip. It was hot, at least, but seemed to be about fifty percent milk and fifty percent water with a few token grains of coffee sprinkled on top.
"Lovely," I said. Lying is a key part of the legal profession.
The girls, understandably, didn't know quite what to do with me next. They'd probably been having a lovely girlie night in, giggling and gossiping and being silly, and now a much older male was in their midst and the dynamic was completely different. Jennifer had brushed her hair, I noticed. She was slighter than her sister and also very pretty, though I thought Eleanor just shaded her. And Kaz... had a more blatant sexual appeal, much less subtle than the two sisters. Kaz had been wearing a sweater before but now it was gone and she was down to a blue man's shirt with several buttons undone. A hint of cleavage was just visible, though I like to think my eyes didn't linger for more than a split second.
I sipped my hot liquid for another few seconds and regarded the fire. It was not doing well and the room was cooling. I noticed Eleanor -- it was safe to think of her as that now -- was shivering slightly and some goosebumps on her arms indicated Kaz was paying the price for losing her sweater.
"Should we perhaps put a few more logs on the fire?" I suggested.
Rather sweetly the girls all looked at each other to make a team decision. Solidarity in numbers, even on such a minor decision. Keep a united front against the predatory, unknown male.
Eleanor nodded. "We probably should," she said.
I knelt down from my chair and reached for some logs in a nearby basket. I arranged them carefully in the fireplace, made a few strategic adjustments with the poker, and blew gently to encourage the fire to spread a little more evenly. A minute or so later the fire was blazing much more satisfactorily and the room seemed several degrees warmer. I stayed knelt in front of the fire, enjoying the blaze but still rather aware of the moisture all over my back.
It had not escaped the girls' attention either.
"You're all wet," said Jennifer, looking at me with some dismay.
"Jenny!" Eleanor seemed to think this was a breach of propriety. Kaz, for her part, seemed to be smirking. She was certainly the most confident of the three, and I had a sudden mental flash of what she might look like naked, on a bed, legs apart and welcoming, those eyes daring me...
Jesus. I tried to gather my composure but I feared my face turned red. They'd blame it on the fire, I hoped.
"Well he is," said Jennifer, stubbornly.
"It's fine," I said smiling. "Just a bit of snow. It'll soon dry off now."
We sat for another few minutes watching the fire. I was aware of time passing and the snow gathering on top of my car.
"Do you think we should perhaps call your mother and find out where she is? If she's going to be much longer I should probably just leave the papers and be on my way... I could pick them up tomorrow. Or she could drop them off if she's coming into town."
Another look between them as they conferred. Eleanor nodded. "I'll go and call her."
"I'll do it," said Jennifer suddenly. "I want to speak to her anyway."
She sprang up and went out into the hallway, closing the door behind her. I noticed there was a phone in the corner of the room we were in, but perhaps she wanted to speak to her mother in private. Perfectly understandable.
Once again we were reduced to staring at the fire. I tried desperately to think of some conversational openings but they all seemed terribly cliched and tired. Are you still at school? What are your favourite subjects? Did you go away last year? What terrible weather we seem to be having! I felt the age gap between us yawning like a ravine. To them I must seem ancient, much as seventy year-olds seemed to me.
"Do you enjoy your work, Mr Collins?" Eleanor, bless her, making a valiant attempt at conversation and in doing so proving herself much braver than I.
I considered. "Some of the time," I said. It seemed important to be honest with that grave, beautiful looking girl. "There's a lot of paperwork that even I admit seems pointless. There's a lot of... the unpleasant side of life, I suppose. Families fighting, greed, abuse.... That sort of thing. But every now and again you get the feeling that you've really helped people. And that's... well, pretty great."
Eleanor nodded and smiled at me, a little more warmly and genuinely. I would have done a lot to get another smile like that. Be careful, I told myself. She's just being polite.
"Are you married?" asked Kaz.
"Kaz!" Eleanor, once again the guardian of what was socially acceptable.
"What?" Kaz was unrepentant. "It's a question, isn't it?"
"It's a bit... personal." Eleanor looked at me apologetically.
"I don't mind," I said. "No, I'm not married."
"Are you gay?" Kaz's eyes danced with the reflection of the flames. Very appropriate, I thought.
"Kaz!" Eleanor, up an octave of distress this time. "Mr Collins definitely doesn't have to answer that!"
A kind of devilment entered me at that point. I don't know why, and I don't know if subsequent events would have turned out any different if it hadn't, but suddenly I felt like going up against Kaz. I'd known a lot of girls like her, too aware of their attractiveness and too keen to make men squirm. There was an easy way to take the advantage away from her. Or so I thought.
"Call me Andy," I said. "And actually... yes I am. Gay, that is."
There was a moment of silence. I like to think there was also an undercurrent of disappointment.
"Oh shit," said Kaz. "I'm sorry."
"What for?" I said innocently. "Perfectly fair question."
Kaz looked awkward. "It's just... well, I mean... if I'd.... you see, if I'd..."
She was saved by Jennifer coming back in.
"Mum's staying there," she said. "She says the snow's too thick and she'll try and come back in the morning. We're to have the rest of the chilli and do pizza tomorrow from the freezer if the snow's too bad. And use the long-life milk in the pantry for cereal if we run out."
Eleanor looked distraught. "Oh no! Did you tell her Mr Collins was waiting for her here?"
Jennifer looked down. "I forgot to tell her," she muttered. Which didn't quite ring true.
Nor did it for Kaz, it seemed. "He's gay," said Kaz to Jennifer, with the air of somebody passing on news of a terminal disease.
Jennifer looked at me. "What? No! Not really?"
"It's none of our business!" Eleanor was really appalled.
"Are you really?" said Jennifer curiously to me. "Like a hundred percent gay? Or just a bit gay, like we're all supposed to be?"
"Mr Collins should go," said Eleanor firmly. "I'm sorry, Mr Collins, we had been having a few drinks before you arrived... please, don't tell our Mother about this. We're not normally this rude."
"Don't worry," I said. "I really enjoyed meeting you all. And thank you for the coffee. But you're right, I should be on my way."
I was helped back into my coat by Jennifer -- coats were her area of expertise, it seemed -- and was offered the loan of an umbrella and some boots which I declined. The girls all seemed a little subdued, probably more by the thought of a night alone in the house than by my imminent departure.
Then we opened the door and looked out.
"Oh shit," I said, unthinking.
"Fucking hell!" said Kaz, from somewhere behind me.
"Oh dear," said Eleanor.
"Wow!" said Jennifer. "Your car's like, almost completely disappeared."
The light snowfall had become a blizzard. My car was just a lump of whiteness looming out of the dark. There was no way I was going anywhere.
And just at that moment all the lights went out.
Jennifer screamed.
Using my mobile phone as a torch we made our way back into the living room where the fire was still blazing brightly. The girls seemed rather upset and panicky, and I did my best to reassure them.
"We're absolutely fine," I said. "There's probably a power line down somewhere, but we've got lots of wood, it sounds like there's plenty of food in the kitchen and in the morning we can clear the snow off my car and I can take you into town to a hotel if the power's still off. But I bet it'll be back on very quickly."
"And you'll stay with us?" Jennifer was the most upset of the three and was still a little tearful.
"Of course," I said, reassuringly. I would have liked to have given her a gentle hug but those days of touching without consent, even with the best of intentions are -- sadly I think - behind us. Even if I was gay.
"I don't want to sleep on my own," said Jennifer. "Not without any lights."
"Do you have any candles?" I asked. "You could each take a candle to your room."
"I'd be too nervous about them falling over and setting the house on fire," said Eleanor. This seemed unlikely to me but all the girls were skittish and I could understand their nervousness.
"OK," I said. "How about this. You all bring your mattresses down here. We'll push the furniture back, and you can sleep in front of the fire. It'll be like a camp."
"Yes!" said Jennifer. "Can we do that? Please, Lennie? Please!"
Eleanor looked at her sister. "All right, we'll do that. But what about you, Mr Collins?"
"Call me Andy," I said. "I can sleep out in the hallway. There's a sofa there."
"But it's teeny," protested Jennifer. "And you'll freeze!"
I wasn't keen on the idea myself, but it seemed the best option. Eleanor was having none of it, however.
"You'll sleep in here with us," she said. "It'll be much warmer. The sofa's much bigger in here, and we'll take the blankets off Mum's bed for you."
I hesitated, but not for long.
"OK," I said. "Let's do that."
I helped them carry their mattresses down from the rooms upstairs. Well, it would be more accurate to say that they showed me where their rooms were, and I carried their mattresses down while they watched and made vaguely positive and helpful noises while I did so. In Eleanor's room there was a second mattress on the floor, intended for Kaz. Eleanor's room, even in the dark lit only by my phone, smelt mysterious and feminine. Even though my breath was steaming in front of me, I felt a warmth grow in my groin at being there. I told myself off severely, picked up a mattress under each arm, and tried to look as manly as possible as I struggled down the stairs with them.
Eleanor in the meantime had been enterprising and had found some camping equipment which included a gas stove and some matches. She hadn't managed to assemble it but between us we figured it out and the hiss of the blue flame when it was lit was very cheering. She found some tins of soup to heat up and we drank it out of mugs.
"I'm going to go and get changed," announced Jennifer, when we'd finished. "I want to get under the blankets and just watch the fire."
Eleanor agreed this was a good idea and she followed her sister out of the door. Kaz, who'd been a lot more subdued since her 'are you gay' line of questioning, got up to do the same. Then she stopped and looked back at me.
"There's a bathroom out in the hallway," she said. "And I'll ask Eleanor to find you something to change into. You can't sleep in those wet things. And... I'm sorry about earlier. It was none of my business."
"Don't worry about it," I said, feeling slightly guilty at my deceitfulness. "Don't worry about it at all, Kaz."
Twenty minutes later I made my way back into the living room from the very chilly hallway, having changed in the even chillier downstairs bathroom into some pyjamas and dressing gown that Eleanor had found for me. They were presumably her father's and they were much too small, but they just about sufficed.
The girls had arranged their mattresses in a straight line a few yards from the fireplace. Jennifer was in the middle. I'd pushed the sofa over to by the window to make space, a little out of the way and less well lit by the fire. It was noticeably cooler there but I thought I probably had enough blankets to survive. I had some sofa cushions to serve as makeshift pillows.
The girls had recovered some of their cheerfulness and now seemed to be enjoying the novelty of the experience. I suspected from their faint aroma of alcohol that some more Bloody Marys had been part of their preparation for bed. They were all in pyjamas rather than night dresses, which I confess disappointed me slightly, but it was definitely a night for having as much on as possible. There was some quiet talking and giggling that I couldn't make out. I took off the dressing gown and slipped underneath the blankets.
"Mr Collins?" Eleanor's voice, soft through the darkness.
"Andy," I said.
"Andy... is there anybody you want to call? Let them know you're OK?"
I thought, but it was an easy one really. "No," I said. "Nobody I need to call. Thank you."
"No boyfriend?" That was Kaz.
"No," I said, with total honesty. "No boyfriend."
"All us girls together then," said Kaz, and the three of them giggled. I rolled my eyes in the semi darkness.
"I'm going to try and sleep," I said. "Good night girls."
"Oh no!" This was Jennifer. "It's too early to sleep. It's a sleepover. We have to have a midnight feast, and gossip, and talk about boys."
I groaned inwardly.
"I bet there's loads Andy can tell us about boys," said Kaz. Jennifer giggled loudly at that, and I thought I heard Eleanor snicker a little as well.
"Oooh yes," said Jennifer. "Tell us what you've done, Andy. I bet you've had loads of boyfriends."
"I really don't think I can tell you anything about that," I said, still with complete sincerity.
All three girls booed softly in unison. "Spoilsport," said Jennifer.
"Well, just because Andy's a prude, it doesn't mean it should spoil our evening," said Kaz. "Each of us has to tell us one thing about something they've done with a boy."
"I'm not doing that!" Eleanor, sounding horrified.
"Of course you are. And don't act all innocent. I know a lot of it already, remember. Or are you denying that you finally gave Dave a hand job last week?"
"Ewww!" That was Jennifer. "Eleanor, not really!"
"She so did," said Kaz. "Three tissues worth, she told me."
"Kaz, you're just the absolute worst! Poor Mr Collins... Andy.... He's just going to think we're the most appalling... and he knows Mummy..."
"I bet you've done lots worse when you were our age, isn't that right Andy?" Kaz's voice was challenging.
"No comment," I said, wishing I was almost anywhere else. Wishing too that the warmth in my groin wasn't back with a vengeance, and showing no sign of disappearing anytime soon.
Silence for a moment. Then Jennifer's voice again, a little quieter but still clearly audible. And with an enquiring, scientific tone.
"Three tissues worth? THREE?"
Snorts of laughter from Kaz.
"Stop it!" Eleanor, protesting, but there was a break in her voice that indicated she was on the verge of losing it too.
"That must be like... half a cupful!"
"Jennifer, just leave it!"
"But what size tissues? Little pocket ones, or the big... mansize ones!"
They all went into hysterics at that. Even I was smiling in the darkness.
"I wouldn't have thought... Dave had it in him," gasped Jennifer, and that was enough for another minute of uncontrollable giggling.
Eventually the giggling calmed down, though it seemed to take a long time. There would be silence, then one of them would snort or giggle and the other two would be off again.
But finally some semblance of calmness returned.
"Your turn Jen," said Kaz. "Give us the goss."
"Why is it my turn? I bet you've done loads more than I have."
"We're saving the best to last. Come on -- have you given somebody a little chaste peck on the cheek? Perhaps patted their hand fondly."
"Fuck off!" Jennifer was indignant. "I don't know why you think I'm such a simpering virgin."
"Because you are," said Kaz.
There was a silence.
Then Kaz's voice, incredulous. "You are, aren't you?"
No comment.
"Fucking hell!"
"Jenn... not really?" Her sister, sounding both concerned and fascinated.
"I'm not saying anything."
"Don't worry about Mr Collins," said Kaz. "He's quite cool, for a lawyer." Damned with faint praise, but we take what we can get.
"I'm not worried about Mr Collins," sad Jennifer. "I like Mr Collins. I mean Andy."
"Thank you Jen," I called. "I like you too."
"What about the rest of us," called Kaz. "You must like Eleanor, at least. Everybody loves Rigby."
"I do like her, very much. And you, Kaz. And... I won't tell anybody anything. Lawyer client confidentiality all that, you know." I paused. "I like all of you, very much. I really do."
There was a silence. I like to think it was a pleased silence.
"Come on Jen. We need to know. When was it? And who with?"
There was a sigh. Then a pause. Then Jen muttered "Ben Grimshaw."
"No! I thought he was gay!"
"Well, he's not," said Jen.
"So what did you do with him?" That was Eleanor.
"Well... more than you did with Dave and the tissues."
"Did you actually... you know... all the way...?"
"You did!" Kaz sounded elated.
"Just for a minute."
"I don't think the duration counts, sweetie. You actually... did it with him?"
"Was it ok, Jen?" Eleanor, concerned for her sister. I liked her even more for that.
"Well... not really."
"Did it hurt?"
"No... it was ok... it was just a bit... well, rubbish really. I mean, you'd think looking at him he'd know what he was doing, wouldn't you? But he so didn't. I mean, I practically had to do everything. And he was... so quick!"
"Well, he is on the track team," said Kaz, and that generated another round of giggles.
"But I mean," said Jen, "I mean... it was just getting interesting, and I was starting to feel, you know... like it was going to be quite good, when it was... all over."
"Oh dear," said Eleanor. "And he wasn't up for... a second round?"
"No... though that was my fault really. I mean, he asked me if I'd enjoyed it, and I said yes, but obviously it wasn't very convincing so he asked me again and this time I got a bit cross so we ended up having a bit of a fight and he stormed off and he's not spoken to me since."
"What a pig!" Eleanor was indignant. "Next time I see him I'm going to..." She trailed off, failing to think of a suitable punishment.
"It was so disappointing," said Jen. "I mean, I keep thinking about it, and how it should have been really great. He's got a nice body and his... thing... was quite nice as well. But I don't think I'll try again with him. So now I've got to start again with somebody else."
"You need Daryl," said Kaz.
"Daryl the Lab Assistant? With that horrible little beard? I thought you just snogged him that one time."
"I quite like the beard," said Kaz, defensively. "But I tell you what, he's got the opposite problem to Ben."
"What's the opposite problem?" Eleanor was intrigued.
"You know... instead of being too quick... he can hardly manage to at all."
"And that's good?"
"Well, it certainly gives you possibilities. I mean, he can stay hard for as long as you want. But he just never... finishes. He's like a sort of... jack hammer. Not very subtle, but I'm working on it."
There was a silence while the girls presumably ruminated on the virtues of Daryl the Jackhammer.
Jen was curious. "So... if he can't... finish... when does it all actually stop?"
"When I tell him I'm too sore to carry on. And then he... uses his hands while I watch to sort himself out."
"Sort himself out?"
"Oh, for god's sake Eleanor, let's stop being so coy, shall we? He stops fucking me when my cunt gets too sore and then he uses his hands to make himself come."
Another silence.
"That's such a bad word," said Eleanor.
"Cunt cunt cunt," said Kaz. "I've got a cunt, Jen's got a cunt, and, as we know, you've definitely got a cunt, Rigby."
"What does that mean?" asked Jen. "Why are you talking about... Lennie's... thing... like that?"
"Shall I tell her, Lennie?"
"Tell me what?"
"Kaz!" Anguish from Eleanor.
"I think we should get some more drinks," said Kaz. "Whaddya say, Andy?"
Kaz brought me a tall glass of Bloody Mary. As she handed it to me she looked at me curiously. I'd been careful to cover myself well with blankets, very aware of the rock-hard erection that I'd been sporting for most of the last fifteen minutes. I tried to make myself look airy and in control of the situation. I felt like a Christian in the arena with some very hungry lions, hoping he won't get spotted.
I tasted the drink cautiously as Kaz made her way back to her mattress. If the coffee had been so insipid as to be almost water, this was the opposite. This was almost neat vodka with a half-hearted splash of tomato juice and a few unidentified fragments of vegetable floating around in it. If they'd had a couple of these before I'd arrived then no wonder inhibitions were slipping.
"So," said Jennifer when they'd all had a few sips of their drinks. "Tell me!"
"It was just an experiment," said Eleanor.
"Like you didn't come your little head off," scoffed Kaz.
"I didn't say it wasn't a very nice experiment."
"For the love of God, will you please tell me what you ACTUALLY DID?"
"We went down on each other," said Kaz.
"What! You went down... like in 'went down'?"
"No, I mean in like joining the navy and going on a submarine together, you clown. Yes -- went down. Ate out. Dined at the Y. I licked her pussy, she licked my pussy. Or cunt, if you prefer. I think I do. We licked each other's cunts."
"Jesus H Christ," said Jennifer. I echoed her silently. I hadn't thought my erection could have got any harder, but it seems I was wrong.
"So are you two... gay?"
Almost in unison.
"We were experimenting," said Eleanor. "Like I said."
"But... Kaz said you... had an orgasm?"
"I said, actually, she came her little head off." Kaz was a stickler for accuracy.
"Well... yes, I did."
"Yay me," said Kaz. "Kaz the Rug Muncher. Available for parties and bar mitzvahs. Or anything, really."
"And you did the same to her?"
"I did, yes, except I don't think I was as good."
"She wasn't bad," said Kaz. "Really very good. I think it a bit of practice she could definitely get me off. But when it comes to natural talent... seems like that's me."
"Jeez," said Jennifer. "I mean... wow."
"You sound just like your sister when she's coming."
"She does not!"
"I'm teasing! It's more like... oh my god, oh my god, yes, more, right there, with your tongue... Jesus, yes, like that, now your finger... oh fuck oh fuck..."
"Kaz! Shut up!" Despite her embarrassment, Eleanor was giggling. I closed my eyes. This was going to be a long, painful night.
"Maybe she was faking," said Jennifer. "That doesn't sound like Lennie."
"I promise you, she was not faking."
"No... she really did make me... come. Twice actually. A big one and then a little one."
"Fuuuuccck," said Jennifer. She drank some more of her drink while she pondered this. Then she put her glass down and flopped back onto her mattress.
"God this is making me SO HORNY!"
"Me too," said Kaz. "I wish Daryl was here. I think I could fuck him all night."
Jennifer looked at her. "But you'd have to share, right? I mean, that would be selfish if it was just you."
"I guess. You'd owe me though."
"How much?"
"Oh... well, maybe I'd make you go down on me."
"Noooo!" Jennifer stared at her aghast, not sure if she was joking. "Really?"
"Sure. Maybe you'd be better than your sister. But I quite fancy the idea of you licking me out. Maybe while I suck Daryl's cock."
"Kaz! This is getting really filthy!" Eleanor looked at the other two girls. "You're corrupting my sister!"
"She's already corrupted. And don't tell me you're not just as horny."
"I'm not saying anything."
"I bet you are. I bet... I bet if I offered to go down on you right now, you'd say yes."
"I wouldn't!"
"OK. So I'm now offering, for real, and you're saying no."
"Well... we can't do it here! Not now!"
"Why not?"
"Not in front of Jen... and Mr... Andy."
Kaz called over to me. "Do you object, Andy?"
"Um... I think, probably we should try and get some sleep now," I said. Pathetic, I know.
Kaz waved a dismissive hand. "Wuss. He's fine with it."
"Well... I'm not doing it in front of Jen."
"Oh please, Lennie. It'd be really... interesting."
"See? Broaden your sister's horizons. And you get a nice little orgasm too. Or a great big one, if you're lucky."
I will never know what would have happened next, because at that moment the fire gave a loud crack and one of the logs rolled suddenly out and onto the hearth, spreading fiery embers onto the rug. In a second I was off the sofa and I'd dashed over. I grabbed the poker so I could roll the log back into safety. Then I hurriedly beat the embers out with a cushion before rearranging the logs on the fire and putting the fire guard in front of it to avoid a repeat performance.
"God, that scared the life out of me," said Jennifer. "That could have been BAD."
"Yes," said Eleanor. "Thank you Andy."
Kaz was staring at me. Or, to be more accurate, she was staring at my groin. My state of excitement was still obvious, though neither Eleanor nor Jennifer seemed to have noticed. A slow, mischievous smile spread over Kaz's face. I made a hurried retreat to my sofa.
"Maybe Andy's right," said Eleanor. "Let's try and get to sleep."
"No, seriously."
Jennifer muttered darkly and arranged herself grumpily under blankets.
"Let's play a game," said Kaz.
"No, let's not," said Eleanor. "Your kind of games always lead to trouble. And you're in a really... naughty mood tonight."
"I am," agreed Kaz. "But I tell you what. Let's play my game for... five minutes. And if you don't like it, we'll all go to sleep like the little good girls we are. Deal?"
"Hmmm." Eleanor was suspicious. "What's the game? I bet it's to do with sex."
"I'm not playing if it isn't," said Jennifer, perking up. "Come on Lennie. It is a sleepover."
"This game is called..." said Kaz. "This game is called... What If?"
There was an expectant silence.
"The rules are, each of us has to say something beginning with the words 'What If'. Then the rest of us take turns to say what we'd do if that 'What If' was true. And each of us has to go a bit further than the person before until one of us chickens out."
"It doesn't sound very sexy," said Jennifer, disappointed.
"Trust me," said Kaz. "It's all in how you play it."
Eleanor sighed. "All right," she said. "One round."
"Goodie," said Kaz. "I'll go first, shall I? Show you how it's done."
There was a pause. Kaz pretended to think, but I'm pretty sure she'd known from the start exactly what she was going to say.
"What if," she said thoughtfully. "What if... let me see... what if... Andy wasn't actually gay? What if Andy actually really was very hot blooded and very heterosexual and very turned on and was lying on the sofa right now with a really big hard-on?"
"Oh, come on," said Eleanor. "This is a really silly game."
Jennifer, however, didn't seem to agree. She sat up and looked at me.
"If Andy wasn't gay," she said, dreamily. "I would go over there and... pull off the blankets and look at his cock."
Kaz just nodded and looked at Eleanor, whose mouth was open in horror. "Your turn."
Eleanor couldn't meet my eyes. "This is not very appropriate."
"Andy doesn't mind," said Kaz. "He's a good sport, aren't you Andy?"
My throat seemed to have gone quite dry, so I made a sort of non-committal croaking noise. It seemed to be enough to satisfy Eleanor.
"If Andy wasn't gay," she said quietly. "I would go over there and... well I'd.... I'd stroke his... cock."
Kaz said, "If Andy wasn't gay, I would go over there and lick his cock."
Jennifer, with barely a pause, said, "If Andy wasn't gay I would go over there and sit on his cock and let him fuck me and fuck me and fuck me and..."
"Steady on," said Kaz. "This is supposed to build slowly, OK?"
"Sorry," said Jennifer. "But I think this is going to be the worst game ever. It's making me so horny again."
"Well, sorry sis but it is! Come on -- you must be turned on too!"
Eleanor didn't answer. The other two girls watched her, and Kaz made an expectant gesture.
"Your turn."
Eleanor thought for a moment. "If Andy wasn't gay, I would go over there and... and... sit on his face."
"While he was fucking me?" asked Jennifer brightly. "At the same time, I mean."
Eleanor threw up her hands. "I don't know! If you want... sure! Why not!"
"Cool!" enthused Jennifer. "Come on Kaz. Your go."
"If Andy wasn't gay," said Kaz. "And if he was busy fucking and licking the two of you... I guess I would have to come over and suck your juices off his dick before shoving it back inside of you. Then I'd play with both of you, licking your tits and kissing you."
"Fucking hell," said Jennifer, and Eleanor seemed to shiver.
"And then he could fuck Lennie, while we watched?" Jennifer seemed to have thrown the format of the game out of the window, but I couldn't blame her.
"Sure," said Kaz quietly. "Maybe he could fuck her doggie style while I lay in front of her and she ate me out. And... if you wanted to, you could sit on my face while I licked your cunt."
Jennifer moaned. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have a small orgasm right there.
"Oh fuck," she whispered. "This is so... fucking.... Unbearable. It's just torture!"
Kaz looked at Eleanor. "What about you? Are you all wet and worked up?"
Eleanor nodded slowly.
"Good," said Kaz.
"What's good about it?" moaned Eleanor. "I really think I'm going to need to... you know... go somewhere and... well..."
"Give yourself a good seeing to? I know, sweetie, I know. But maybe we can do a bit better than that."
She looked over at me.
"Andy, what do you think? Ready to help a few poor lonely young girls out?"
Eleanor and Jennifer both stared at her. Then at me. I looked back at them.
"You are... gay...aren't you... Andy?" Jennifer whispered.
Very, very slowly, I shook my head.
"Oh... my.... God," breathed Eleanor.
I stood up from the sofa. Kaz looked at me, triumphant. She nodded, and patted the space on the mattress between herself and Jennifer. I stood up, tugged down my borrowed pyjama bottoms and tugged off the top. Then I made my way over to them. They watched my progress as if hypnotised. The room felt cool against my skin but there was more than enough heat in my groin to compensate.
I knelt on the mattress between Kaz and Jennifer. Kaz smiled, then reached up and kissed me softly on the lips. I turned and Jennifer, her eyes full of wonder, did the same. She seemed to be in a daze. I looked over at Eleanor, watching me from just beyond her sister.
"I'm sorry," I said. "I don't know why I said what I did. I can go, if you want." Though I knew that wasn't really possible.
"No," she whispered. "Please don't. I'm... so glad you're here."
Then she reached over too, and I bent my head to meet hers. She coiled an arm around my head and kissed me fiercely and passionately.
"So glad," she murmured. "Dear Andy."
I felt a hand on my cock and looked down. Rather shyly, Jennifer had reached and was stroking it gently.
"It's so hard," she said, almost to herself. "So hard. Doesn't it hurt?"
I shook my head.
"Lie down beside us," said Kaz.
I did as I was told. Kaz was on my left, Jennifer on my right. And then suddenly Eleanor was in front of me, kneeling on the mattress at my feet.
"We have the whole night," said Kaz. "So let's not be greedy, let's share everything, and let's take our time, OK?"
The other two girls nodded. Kaz looked at me.
"Somehow I don't think you're going to have the problem poor old Ben has. And we want you to come too, we really do... but not too soon, OK? If you feel you're getting close, tell us and we'll slow down."
I nodded my agreement.
"Now, we're going to carry on with the game. Only this time, we take it in turns to say what we want. And this time" -- she reached up and kissed me again -- "this time we've got a good chance of getting it."
I smiled at her. "I'll certainly do my best."
Kaz looked at the girls. "Who's first?"
"Let Jenn go," said Eleanor. "She's the youngest."
Jennifer looked at her sister with total adoration. She leaned over and kissed her.
"You're the best sister in the world," she told her.
Then she turned and looked at me.
"And my request is that you make Eleanor come."
Eleanor gave a small involuntary squeak, then blushed.
"I'd be delighted," I said.
"I guess should probably all take our clothes off," said Kaz.
I got Eleanor to lie down on the mattress beside me. She had lovely medium sized breasts, slightly puffy, and a small neat line of pubic hair above her cunt. I ran a finger down her body, over her nipples, past her belly button, and stopping just above her groin. I fancied I could see small beads of moisture glistening in the firelight, but perhaps that was my imagination. She trembled.
"Oh please," she said.
I looked at Kaz, who was sitting by her head. "Hold her hands," I said.
Then I lowered myself down the length of Eleanor's body, tasting her skin as I descended. I took a nipple in my mouth and teased it gently. Then the other. Then a slow orbit of her belly button. Lower and lower, until I finally arrived at my destination. I let my tongue caress the area just above her clit. Then down the left-hand side, just avoiding her labia. Then the same on the other side. I brought a hand up and with the lightest touch I could manage I delicately stroked her lips, which seemed to part almost at once. She gasped.
"Oh fuck oh fuck."
I looked up and said to Kaz, "Lick her nipples. Gently." Kaz nodded and bowed her head and set to work.
Behind me, I could feel and sense Jennifer was playing with herself as she watched us.
I lowered my head again and once more my tongue probed her. Starting just below the base of her slit this time, circling and teasing. Then up, probing gently between her lips, tasting her sweetness. Higher and higher, until my mouth was directly above her clit again. Then I went lower and encircled with my mouth.
She gasped again, louder this time. "Oh my god!"
She tried to move but Kaz held her tight. I don't think she really knew what was doing. She lifted her hips up to meet me, to force me deeper into her, and then reversed direction, away from me, then back up again, up and down, anything to try and alleviate the pressure that was clearly building within her.
"Oh please," she said. "Oh please... I can't stand it. Please!"
I moved a hand up so I could finger her gently, just the tip of one finger to start with, playing with her lips and moving them further apart. Then a cautious, gentle exploration, advancing slowly, making sure the intrusion was welcome and not unpleasant.
"More," she said. "More. Fuck me, please."
I thrust a finger into her and began to slowly fuck her with that, in and out, pushing upwards as I did so to maximise the pressure on the area just below her clit. I kept my mouth busy as I did so, still working away on that small nub of pleasure.
She was getting close now, I could feel it, but I wanted to feel her climax as she lay underneath me, properly buried inside her.
I said, "Can I fuck you, Eleanor?"
"Oh god please yes fuck me!"
Behind me I heard Jennifer groan and redouble her efforts at whatever she was doing.
I nodded at Kaz who moved away and let go. Eleanor looked up at me as I moved above her, her eyes almost not seeing me. She reached down and frantically grabbed me, guiding her inside me, pulling me into her until I was almost completely submerged inside her. Then she seemed to stop dead for several seconds, perhaps longer. She gave a long, ragged breath. Then her hips began to gently rock, encouraging me, and I took over and began to fuck her properly, slowly at first as she adjusted to having me in her but then with firmer and harder strokes.
"Oh my god oh my god yes that's so good."
"Come for me Eleanor," I whispered into her ear. "Please."
"Yes, come for us Eleanor," said Kaz, kneeling beside her. "He's fucking your cunt, the cunt I'm going to lick clean while he fucks your sister. Would you like that, Eleanor?"
"Ohmigod ohmigod I'm coming, yes yes yes!"
Her orgasm broke over and I felt her muscles tighten around me. I stopped, knowing that if I carried on much longer I would be in danger of coming myself. And the night was too young for that.
Eleanor shuddered and shivered beneath me and I kissed her sweaty brow tenderly. I was glad she was the first to have orgasmed, and inordinately proud in that rather silly male way that I'd helped her there.
"Thank you," she said. "Thank you. I needed that."
"Well, what about me!" wailed Jennifer from behind me. I laughed, I couldn't help it. Eleanor laughed too, and then gasped as a secondary wave of smaller orgasms seemed to pass through her.
"All right sis," she said. "You can have him now."
I pulled myself gently out of her. My cock glistened in the firelight with her juices. Kaz's eyes gleamed.
"Just a sec, Jenny," she said. "Let me get him ready for you."
She pushed me so I rolled over and she hungrily took me in her mouth, cleaning me and sucking me. Eleanor and Jennifer watched, fascinated, as she slurped her way diligently up and down, one hand holding my cock firm at its base while she did so.
"Oh please hurry," said Jennifer. Kaz's eyes looked into mine and she gave me a wink. She had the devil in her, that one.
Reluctantly she lifted her mouth away from my cock and looked at Jennifer, who was kneeling and watching like an expectant puppy.
"I love the taste of your sister's cunt," she told her. "Can I taste yours as well?"
Without waiting for an answer she pushed her back and hurriedly pushed her head between Jennifer's legs. From the way Jennifer immediately spread them out even wider I don't think she was objecting.
I absent-mindedly stroked my cock as I watched. I looked over at Eleanor who smiled at me, now not in the least embarrassed or awkward at the situation we had found ourselves in.
Kaz finally withdrew and Jennifer with almost frantic haste pushed me onto my back.
"We can do it slower later - but please if I don't get that inside me I'm just going to die."
And within seconds she was impaled on me, her head thrown back in abandonment. I reached up and cupped her small breasts, feeling the rock hard nipples in each palm. Then to my slight surprise she stretched out her length against mine, my cock still buried deep inside her, and she began to fuck me almost as if she was a man, her hips pushing down against mine, her arms behind my back, her feet pushing on top of mine to give herself traction. If with Eleanor I had been the main instigator and the dominant one, with Jennifer there was no question that she was the one in control. I just lay there and enjoyed the sensation of being totally consumed and used by her.
She didn't last long. Her mouth was by my ear and I could hear the gasps getting shorter and more frantic.
"Oh... my... god... I am... going to come... so MUCH!"
And she did, with another sequence of frantic thrusts against me, her hip bones almost drawing blood as they banged into me. I kept my arms around her back, stroking the length of her from shoulders to small rounded buttocks and back, as she quivered and sighed against me.
"You are... so... fucking... not... gay!" she managed.
I stroked her hair. "I'm so not," I agreed.
She seemed happy to lie like that indefinitely, but I was aware that there remained at least one more initial round to be completed. And sure enough, Kaz tapped Jennifer on the shoulder.
"My turn," she said.
With a small set of grumbling noises Jennifer rolled off me, my cock emerging from her with a delicious sucking sound.
"I'll get another go, won't I?"
"Don't be greedy, Jennifer. But if we pace ourselves, we'll all get as much as we want, OK?"
Jennifer looked doubtful. "Well... I want quite a lot!"
Kaz looked over at Eleanor. "Your sister is a nympho!"
Eleanor smiled. "Good for her. I have a feeling I might be too."
Kaz looked at me. "Poor old Andy. Trapped in the snow with three teenage nymphomaniacs."
"Some people are just born unlucky," I said.
"How do you want to fuck me, Andy? I'll let you choose."
"I'm glad you asked," I said.
Kaz knelt before me on all fours, her small perky backside angled up to greet me. Like the rest of her, it seemed to exude a cheeky defiance that I felt I needed to conquer. I had got Eleanor to lie in front of her, legs spread. And Jennifer knelt beside me, looking down at where my cock jutted out, bumping along the crack between Kaz's buttocks.
I reached down and ran an exploratory finger along her pussy. It was sopping wet. I scooped some of the moisture onto my finger and lifted it so Jennifer could suck it off.
"You want me to fuck you, Kaz?"
"Yes. Fuck me."
"You really want it?"
"Yes! I really do, now get on with it!"
"I don't know... maybe I should fuck Eleanor again. Or Jennifer. Their cunts were just so lovely and tight and wet... is your cunt that wet, Kaz?"
"Yes... it fucking is... you know it is.... Now just fuck me!"
I looked at Jennifer. "Push my cock into her."
Her eyes gleamed. Her hand took hold of me and she pushed it downwards, past Kaz's little puckered hole and into the groove of her cunt. She brushed it up and down slowly, looking at me for confirmation. I nodded, she took her hand away, and I pressed forward, slipping easily into Kaz, who gasped.
"Oh god that's good," she said softly.
"Hush," I said. "You're supposed to be eating Eleanor's cunt, remember."
Obediently she lowered her head and began to work away at the pussy in front of her.
Eleanor closed her eyes in bliss. "God, I love the snow," she said.
I fucked Kaz like that for several minutes, a more brutal, impersonal fucking than I'd had with the other two girls. I liked Kaz very much, and I doubt that without her the evening would have taken the turn it did, but that was definitely an air of sexual cockiness about her that any man would have recognised and responded to as a challenge. I fully hoped that later in the night we would have a more intimate, affectionate connection -- but for now I wanted to fuck her hard. And I guessed she wasn't going object to that either.
I slammed into her with increasing ferocity, and as I did so her mouth moved harder and with more force on Eleanor's pussy. Eleanor's eyes were closed now, and I sensed her second orgasm of the night was on the horizon.
"Make Eleanor come," I told Kaz. "Make Eleanor come or I'll have to stop and fuck Jennifer instead."
"Oh, yes please," murmured Jennifer.
Kaz rose to the challenge. I saw her head moving more energetically from side to side as she teased and tortured Eleanor's young and tender slit.
"Oh god," said Eleanor. "Like that Kaz, just like that."
I had slowed to watch and now Kaz stopped briefly to bark her instructions at me.
"Don't... stop... fucking... me... you... bastard!"
Eleanor was coming now, her body shuddering under her friend's attentions. I smiled at Jennifer whose eyes were bright and shining. She nodded encouragement and I increased my tempo again, fucking her with an increasingly desperate fury. Hers was the third teenage cunt I had been in in the space of an hour, and I reckoned I deserved a medal for lasting as long as I had. But now I needed to come, and come hard, and it was going to be close as to whether I could get Kaz over the edge before I exploded myself.
"Play with her tits," I said to Jennifer. "Squeeze those tits and make her come."
Jennifer moved forward and slipped her arms around Kaz's back, one hand for each breast. Kaz gasped. Her mouth was in her friend's cunt, she had a cock up her pussy and now her tits were being fondled and tweaked by her friend's little sister. It was too much for her, and she started to come with a long, deep cry that burst out of her.
"God... I'm COMING!"
"Can I come in you?" I asked desperately. "Can I come in your cunt, Kaz?"
But Kaz was too far gone to listen or respond. I could feel that familiar surge in my balls and knew I should really pull myself out now. But god, every impulse in my body wanted for my cock to stay where it was.
It was Jennifer who saved me.
"You can come in my mouth," she said. "I want it. Quickly!"
So I pulled myself out and hurriedly swivelled around to present myself to her bowed head. She took me in her mouth and I groaned as a torrent of come shot out of me. Jennifer sucked and slurped away, trying to take every drop but not quite succeeding -- a small amount ran out of her mouth and dribbled down her chin. She was making small contented noises as she swallowed.
I looked around, my vision slightly blurred by the intensity of my orgasm. Ahead of me, Eleanor was smiling at me a little dazedly. Kaz had collapsed on top of her, and Eleanor was stroking her hair tenderly. She mouthed a "thank you" at me. And now Jennifer straightened up beside me, wiping the remains of my seed from her chin and looking, in every respect, like the cat who got the cream.
Gradually the room ceased to spin and my vision returned to normal. I lay down gingerly on the mattress. After a few moments I felt Kaz snuggle onto my left side. Then Eleanor did the same on my right side, nibbling my ear briefly as she did so. It tickled.
"Hey," said Jennifer, "where am I supposed to go?"
There was only one obvious answer to that, and a few seconds later I found another parcel of warm naked girl lying on top of me.
Eleanor began to giggle. "To think I nearly didn't let you in," she said.
"God," said Kaz. "What an awful thought."
"How long before you can do it again?" said Jennifer.
I wondered how long the snow would last. A long, long time, I hoped.
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